Catalog of Dances

Mulberry Garden
Set: Duple Minor Longways
Dance: Dancing Master 1670
Music: Barnes I p83, 6/8 Dm
A1 1-8 All lead up a double and back. Repeat.
B1 1-4 Partners facing, all fall back a double and come forward a double.
5-8 Partners turn 2 hands.
A2 1-4 Partners back to back.
5-8 Neighbors back-to-back.
B2 1-4 Circle left halfway, partners change places passing right shoulder.
5-8 2s cast down and lead back up to place WHILE 1s lead up and cast down to progressed place.

The Flying Sorceress
Set: Duple Minor Longways
Dance: Kalia Kliban 2007
Music: Antone Seoane, ¾ Am
A1 1-4 1s set and gypsy right ½ .
5-8 Neighbors (original corners) repeat (set & gypsy ½ ).
A2 1-4 All circle left once round.
5-6 All balance the ring.
7-8 1s lead up, AS 2s dance down the outside.
B 1-8 All poussette clockwise (current 1st corners dancing forward).
C1 1-4 Neighbors mirror gypsy (1s splitting the 2s to start).
5-8 1s half-figure-8 down (2s may repeat their gypsy path).
C2 1-4 All Rights & Lefts two changes.
5-8 Partners two-hand turn 1-½, to end proper

Barbarini's Tambourine
Set: Duple Minor Longways
Dance: Published by Walsh ca 1735-1740 (reconstructed by Jacqueline Schwab)
Music: Barnes I, p8. 2/4 D
A1 1-8 1st corners cast around neighbor & half figure-8 to each other’s place (passing left in the middle & go right round partner).
A2 1-8 2nd corners cast around partner & half figure-8 to each other’s place (pass right shoulders in the middle & go left round neighbor).
B1 1-2 Neighbors fall back a double.
3-4 Partners cross (& face neighbor).
5-8 Neighbors back-to-back.
9-12 Partners back-to-back.
B2 1-8 All Rights & Lefts (4 changes, starting w/ partner).
9-12 Partners two-hand turn.

The Old Mill (or The Merry Salopians)
Set: Three Couple Longways
Dance: Nathanial Kynaston and published by John Walsh 1718 (reconstructed by Tom Cook 1987 to the tune The Old Mill by Brian Jenkins)
Music: Barnes I, p91. Brian Jenkins. 3/2 G/D modal
A1 1-6 M1 casts below 2s as W1 balances back and follows him.
M1 & W3 right-hand turn, M1 then follows partners, who continues (ccw)
around the 2s to partner’s home.
7-8 1s left-hand turn half to get home.
A2 1-8 1s repeat A1, but all reversed: W1 casts as M1 balances & follows,
W1 & M3 turn lefts, W1 follows M1 to top, 1s turn right half.
B1 1-6 1s (keeping right hands) lead down & out thru W2&W3 to start a
Morris Hey across set.
[W2&W3 cast then lead thru M2&M3, who cast & lead thru 1s, etc.]
7-8 1s meet and right-hand turn ¾ to end in 2nd place improper.
B2 1-4 1s CROSS & cast up (2s move down); 1 button-hook turn single down
5-8 1s lead down center to the bottom, 2s & 3s up outside & follow to invert set.
1s cast up to 2nd place, as 2s continue to bottom. [order 3-1-2]

The Ragg
Set: Duple Minor Longways
Dance: Neal Collection 1726 (reconstructed by Rich Jackson & George Fogg 1990)
Music: Barnes I, p104. D 6/8
A1 1-4 1s cross and go below to 2nd place (2s dance up)
5-8 1s two-hand turn 1½.
A2 1-8 2s cross and go below to 2nd place, two-hand turn 1 ½.
B1 1-4 Star right.
5-8 Star left.
B2 1-4 All set twice to partner
5-8 3 changes of a circular hey

Candles in the Dark
Set: Duple Minor Longways
Dance: Loreta Holtz 2006
Music: Jonathan Jensen 2004. Barnes III, p36. Bm 3/4
A1&A2: Assisted half figures-8 (men assisting women w/ right-in-right).
A1 1-8 M1 with partner, then with W2.
A2 1-8 M2 with W1, then with partner.
(All Progressed, but Improper)
B1 1-4 Neighbors Mirror back-to-back (2s split 1s to start).
5-8 All circle left (once round).
B2 1-4 Neighbors Mirror back-to-back (1s split 2s to start).
5-8 Partners gypsy right 1½ to finish proper.
(1s join right hands & face down to start next round)

Softly Good Tummas
Set: Duple Minor Longways
Dance: Nathanial Kynaston 1718 (reconstructed by Andrew Shaw 2002)
Music: Barnes II, p120. Dm 2/2
A1 1-4 All single file to left (cw) ½-way round set (one double per side).
5-6 All (facing corner) in a double to meet in the center.
7-8 All turn single left out from center, clapping on last beat of phrase.
A2 1-4 All single file to right (ccw) ½-way round set (to home).
5-8 All into center, turn single right back out, clapping on last beat.
B1 1-2 1s quick cast down as 2s lead up.
3-4 Partners set.
5-6 All (starting w/ partner) two changes of Rights and Lefts.
B2 1-2 Neighbors fall back setting.
3-4 Partners come forward, cross and turn to face.
5-8 1s right-hand turn down middle, WHILE 2s cast up outside.

Elephant Stairs
Set: Duple Minor Longways
Dance: Walsh 1727 (reconstructed by Andrew Shaw 2017)
Music: Barnes III, p53. ¾ G
A1 1-8 1s CAST down into a full figure-8 around 2s (T-S up at end).
A2 1-8 2s CAST up into a full figure-8 around as (T-S down at end).
B1 1-4 Men lead through the women and cast back to place.
5-8 1s lead down through 2s and cast back to place.
B2 1-4 Women lead through the men and cast back to place.
5-8 All face up and Cast-and-Lead 1-1/2 to progress:
1s cast down, lead up, and cast down again.
AS 2s lead up, cast down, and lead up again.

Take a Dance
Set: Duple Minor Longways
Dance: Thompson 1765
Music: Barnes I, p124. 6/8 Bm
A1 1s lead down through the 2s, cast back to places, 2 hand turn once.
A2 2s lead up through the 1s, cast back to places, 2 hand turn once.
B1 1s cross and cast, and 1/2 figure 8 up through 2s.
B2 Partners facing, rights and lefts, 4 changes.

Trip to Kilburn
Set: Triple Minor Longways
Dance: Dancing Master I: 1718-1728 (reconstructed by Cecil Sharp 1916)
Music: Barnes I, p128. Am 2/2
A1 1-6 1s cast and circle with the 3s.
7-8 1s lead down through the 3s.
A2 1-6 1s cast up to 2nd place and circle with the 2s.
7-8 1s lead up through the 2s.
B1 1-2 1s cast to middle place.
3-8 Circle 6 once round.
B2 1-4 1s and 2s do 4 changes of a circular hey, facing partners to start. (Very quick!)
5-8 All 2 hand turn partners

Cheshire Rounds
Set: Duple Minor Longways
Dance: Walsh 1718-1760 (reconstructed by Charles Bolton 2000)
Music: Barnes I, p19. 3/2 D
A1 1-4 W1 cast down and dance CW around standing 2s to end in Partner’s place
WHILE M1 follows W1 around W2, but cuts up center to end in W1’s place.
A2 1-4 M2 cast up and dance CW around standing 1s, to end in Partner’s Place.
WHILE W2 follow M2 around W1, but cuts down center to end in M2’s place.
B1 1-2 1s cross and dance down the outside
WHILE 2s two-hand turn 1/2 and lead up;
3-4 Partners (all) two-hand turn once round.
[all proper and progressed]
B2 1-4 All Four Changes of Rights & Lefts (start with partner).

Sapphire Sea
Set: Duple Minor Longways
Dance: Christine Robb ca 2015
Music: “Tom Kruskal” by Emily Troll & Amelia Mason, Barnes III, p12`. 2/2 F
A 1-4 All circle left once round.
5-8 1st corners right-hand turn once round. 9-12 2nd corners left-hand turn once round.
13-16 1s cast down to form middle of line across the hall
WHILE 2s lead up and cast to end of the line.
All face W2 who faces W1, M1, M2.
B 1-8 Dolphin Hey (1s acting a single unit)
--start with W2 passing 1s by the right
--End in same place in line of 4 but now facing up.
9-12 Line up a double and back.
13-16 2s gate the 1s up and around to progressed places

Minor Spaniard
Set: Duple Minor Longways
Dance: Jenny Beer 2000
Music: Barnes II, p85. 6/8 Em
A1 1-4 1st corners set forward and turn single back to place.
5-8 1s two-hand turn once round.
A2 1-4 2nd corners set forward and turn single back to place.
5-8 2s two-hand turn once round.
B1 1-2 1s lead down.
3-4 1s set (to each other).
5-6 1s lead back up.
7-8 1s cast down (2s move up).
B2 1-4 All circle left once round.
5-8 2s gate 1s up and around to progressed place.

The Duke of Kent’s Waltz
Set: Duple Minor Longways
Dance: Cahusac 1801 (Reconstructed by A. Simons 1970). Named for Edward Augustus, son of George III and father of Queen Victoria.
Music: Barnes II, p35. ¾ G
A1 1-8 1s & 2s star right & back by left.
A2 1-4 1s take two-hands, dance 2 sashay steps down & back.
5-8 1s cast down (2s lead up).
B 1-4 Partners take right hands: balance forward & back.
Men turn partner under their arms (ccw) as partners change places.
5-8 Partners repeat using left hands (turn partner under clockwise).
9-12 All turn right diagonal (i.e. M1 w/ new W2) by right-hand (once).
13-16 Partners left-hand turn.